Saturday, January 3, 2009

Double Dating

My parents have experienced a continuing rejuvenation over the past few years, probably because of their empty nest and the fact that Heather was always disturbing them with her reckless abandon and wild adventures when she lived here (yes, that is a joke of course!) So, by the time we reached them after our South American travels, it felt like they were about on the same page as us in terms of dating. We had to remind them on occasion that we were in public...

So, we embarked on many adventures together such as picking out a misfit Christmas tree at a bargain price...
Shopping for, cooking and eating lots of healthy delicious food together... (although Dad quickly extended the ban on kitchen knives that he had previously placed on mom to include Joo as well after she cut herself)
Dates all over the place, such as our trip to the Columbus Zoo where we braved the sub-zero weather and took in the massive display of lights, the carousel, and the wild international beasts (namely the ones from Korea and the U.S. who had just been married)

We even caught a glimpse of Marla Longenecker's best friend while he was just hanging out...

And since here at the Showalter homestead, we believe in equal entertainment opportunities for all, we even accompanied Dad to one of his ball card shows.

Joo got a bit out of control and so Dad had to banish her to the corner where she was instructed to stay until she had "carefully considered her actions and was ready to come back to the card table."
But our best moments transpired right here in our hours together at home where Mom had decorated the entire house for Christmas and to celebrate Joo's first Advent. We have a family tradition of carefully choosing an ornament for each year of our life based on what happened that year. I had fun explaining each one to Joo as we put them up, including this year's which were made of Mom's homemade paper that she has been perfecting.

And of course, I had to walk around all areas of the house, including the tops of cabinets, in order to get a good feel for the place again.

All in all, it has been a very lovely time together and will continue for the next couple months until Joo and I hear back some answers from schools and choose our next (well, our first) home!

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