In other news, we have finally found an effective way to handle the rampant counterfeit 50 situation here...
I simply take the bill immediately after receiving it from the cashier, and walk to a nearby authority figure and ask them to check. Then (since as the last entry shows, some times even Argentinians don't really know), I hold it up with the number showing and make sure the person who gave it to me is in the background as proof of where I received it. I think this is about as safe as we're going to get (and don't even dream of the alternate solution where I ask for 10's as change instead of a 50... that would get laughter at best and verbal harrassment at worst!)
But, we're gone a lot more now too. When I'm not studying math, we're off into the downtown at one of our several tango classes. The more classes we go to, the more it seems to get confusing with different teachers enforcing different styles... and yet at the same time, it's quite a high whenever we have a dance (or even a couple steps) when things really click!
And we leave just in time to see plaza republica (or pizza republica) in the center of downtown as the sun sets...
Interesting pictures. How may days till you are back with the scary upstairs lady? Mom