Thursday, June 19, 2008

Basic Unstinks

Knowing that our funds would be tight for this year, JooYeon has done a wonderful job of creative budgeting and her new kick has been baking soda. According to her, there are at least 27 everyday uses for baking soda and she now uses it regularly for toothpaste, shampoo, facial masks, on bug bites, rashes, cleaning, and even as a deodorant (which surprised me by how effective it was even if I had ALREADY started to stink - that was what won me over - baking soda is definitely the first thing I'm packing for South America!)

We arrived in Philly while my friend Alex and his girlfriend Natalie were at work, but they (probably she) had written a nice long welcome letter introducing us to the four cats. We had a lot of fun in the next couple days including a huge dinner, cheesesteaks in the park, and some chill time with a delicious fusion of rooibos-yerba mate tea on the back porch.
We stopped by the Rodin museum and posed by the tortured and contorted images in his Gates of Hell which was ironically the only free piece of art we could get to without paying the admission fee.
JooYeon had asked me who the Mrs. Showalter was that kept appearing on our wedding cards (since she never took my name due to impossible amounts of bureacracy), and so I introduced her in a Woolworths at the wig section...
We also stopped by a coffeehouse across from a haunted old prison which turned out to be our favorite one of the trip so far (we're observing them closely just in case our dreams to open up a cultural cafe ever materialize).

1 comment:

  1. So Baking Soda is like Windex, according to the father on "My Big Fat Greek Wedding."
