I'm reading a
book right now called "Teaching the Commons" by Paul Theobald. Among
other things, he talks of how the community-oriented worldview has, largely,
been replaced by an individualistic worldview. Recommendation letters focus on
how successful a person is (individualistic) rather than how virtuous they are
(community-centered). This is particularly true when it comes to time. We guard
our time fiercely. Did you know that clocks were first invented in the 1200s,
and that minute hands weren't used until almost 1700? Imagine how that must have
changed people's lifestyles...
So what happens when time intersects with
relationships? Time forces us to choose our priorities. Relationships, we like
to think, are our highest priority. Sometimes Time illuminates the situation
differently though . . . especially during that long stretch in between our
early childhood and our golden years (for Harry Chapin's melodic rendering of
that point, click here).
This struggle to
allocate time for what I uphold as my highest priority seems more difficult
than ever now in grad school (although, ask me in a few months when I'm a
father, and I'm sure I'll say this present period was a piece of cake!) I tell
myself that I need to put relationships on hold, so that I can secure a
desirable job, so that I can have more time for relationships. But that
argument sounds flimsy, even to someone whose To Do List is expanding like one
of those foam animal capsules that kids put in water.
So, I made the
resolution this year to treasure relationships and visibly prioritize them.
Luckily, this resolution is made easy by the beautiful relationships that Joo
and I are surrounded with. The last post showed of a weekend in a cabin with
family, and next weekend, we'll be doing a similar get-together at a historic
bed-and-breakfast mill. The pictures above and below were snapped from a
delightful evening with Randy and Marla.