Monday, December 31, 2012

Back from Portland

Ellie met her cousins TeoGeom and HyeRin for the first time out in Portland. Jusu was trying to handle the new flood of responsibilities arising from a second child.

But she still had plenty of time to show some loving for her niece Ellie!

The ladies put vinegar on TeoGeom's pacifier so that he would stop sucking on it so much. I'm not quite sure what they put on Ellie's...

For both JooYeon and me, the biggest worry about her solo trip with Ellie was how she would handle the flights. As it turned out, she must be a traveller at heart because she loved it.

And had a family of hugs waiting for her upon her return to Ohio.

As soon as JooYeon and Ellie returned, we tried feeding her solids for the first time. One month later, it still seems to be something that she tolerates rather than enjoys, but she is getting some in her now.

Back in Athens, Ellie was doing more socializing than her daddy.

Her daddy, meanwhile, having wrapped up the semester, was catching up on some yard work. The task below was to uproot a bush that nearly took Ellie's eye out.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Smiley Girl

Ellie's been a bundle of smiles lately- from when she gets up to (almost) when she goes to bed!

That is, when she's not putting on her serious zoning face...

It's been wonderful to have more interaction with her, even if it isn't verbal yet.

Pete came and visited for awhile.

As did Jamie- it was like an EMU reunion! I bought 20 lbs. of green coffee beans off of Jaime and Evelyn that they had grown on their farm in Nicaragua ( Jaime was still as upbeat and energetic as always- it makes my morning cup of coffee so much more valuable to have been grown and brought by an old friend.

The Castles came over and we gave everyone instruments!

Another lovely sunset walk with my ladies :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Back on the Blog

Another semester down and finally some free time to write! However, I'm way backlogged in my photos, so the next blog or two will mostly be pictures :)

Ellie's first snow.

Ellie's quite the night owl - she does a wonderful job of putting her grandparents to sleep!

A conference presentation on math teaching around the world - finally, a way to integrate my travels and my math interests :)

Ellie modeling her swimsuit...

Notice the improved picture clarity - this is all thanks to Joo's eye for spotting deals (she got this one for free after waiting about two years for a new camera!)