Her recognition was sweetened when the artwork of her friend, Pat Zook, made it to the state level for a necklace that she dedicated to Mom. It was displayed in a gallery just outside the banquet hall.
We enjoyed a lovely meal, thanks to the kindness of the Green Hills administrators who had gotten special invitations for Heather, Bob, Joo, and me. The kind deed was rewarded when the Green Hills CEO, Mike Ray, won the $1,000 door prize!
Immediately following the meal, 13 awards were presented to people and facilities that had done something exceptional involving retirement homes in the state of Ohio. For example, one facility was awarded for a grassroots-level movement to sew thousands of stuffed animals for soldiers serving abroad. Another facility won an award for creating a program for dementia residents to express themselves through artwork that was then framed and displayed in an exhibit.
Mom was awarded the Caring Indirect Award which goes to "an outstanding indirect care professional with supervisory responsibility and who has demonstrated a commitment to the employer, service to older Ohioans, and who has engaged as a role model and mentor."
Mom was a bit overwhelmed by all the hugs, compliments, and photos that followed the ceremony, but was a good sport about taking it all in.
I was a bit slow on the draw, but I did manage to capture the second half of the short video that was made about Mom, so I've posted it here below.
I feel so fortunate to have such an incredible role model as a mother - thanks Mom!!! I love you!